Brian finally got his yearly review at work (only 2 weeks late). He now has vacation time, yipee, and is eligble for his company's 401K. We are finally at a place where we can start contributing. It is quite confusing though. I am hoping that the company's financial advisors will be able to point us in the right direction of investing our money iin todays economy.
The nice thing about the vacation is that since Brian was told he couldn't take a vacation in June if he wanted to work on the job at Shell, he will be able to take a little time off when Baby Girl comes. He will also be able to use vacation time for his hunting trip. YIPEE!!!
Looking forward to not having to worry about his week long hunting trip and where the money would come from with him not working. I think we will need to plan our Disneyland trip for the summer next year. Brian won't have vacation time left around the schools spring breaks time.